Renaming Documents

Using Renaming feature, you can change the name of a master document.

Using this feature you can also merge two master documents into a single one.

Check List of Renamable Documents for the list of all the documents that can be renamed in the system.

Steps to rename a Document

Step 1: Go to the document that you wish to rename.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu, select the option 'Rename'.

Alternatively, you can also click on the Title of the document, which will result in a pop-up, wherein you will be able to change the name of the document that you wish to rename.

Effect of Renaming

Renaming a document will affect all the existing transactions liked to this document. E.g., If you are changing the Item Code for an Item, the same will be updated in all the existing transactions wherein this Item is linked.

List of Renamable Documents

Following is the list of all the documents that can be renamed.

  1. Contact

  2. Address

  3. Warehouse

  4. Supplier

  5. Customer

  6. User

  7. Sales Partner

  8. Project

  9. Cost Center

  10. Item Group

  11. Item

  12. Company

  13. Role

  14. Earning Type

  15. Note

  16. Serial No

  17. Account

  18. Territory

  19. Terms and Conditions

  20. Supplier Group

  21. Workstation

  22. Employee

  23. Sales Taxes and Charges Master

  24. Purchase Taxes and Charges Master

  25. Price List

  26. Party Type

  27. Mode of Payment

  28. Designation

  29. Department

  30. Deduction Type

  31. Customer Group

  32. Brand

  33. Branch

  34. Sales Person

See also

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