Process Loan Security Shortfall

> Introduced in Version 13

Process Loan Security Shortfall record is created on loan security price update and is also used for manual processing of Loan Security Price.

To access the Process Loan Security Shortfall list, go to: > Home > Loan Management > Loan Processes > Process Loan Security Shortfall

1. Prerequisites

Before creating a Loan Security Unpledge, you must create the following first:

2. How to create Process Loan Security Shortfall

  1. Go to Process Loan Security Shortfall List, click on New.

  2. Enter From Time and To Time. All the Loan Security Price between the From Time and To Time will be considered for updating the Loan Security Master.

  3. Enter Loan Security Type if only the prices of a specific Loan Security Type needs to be updated.

  4. Click "Save" to save the draft of the Process Loan Security Shortfall.

  5. Click "Submit" to submit the Process Loan Security Shortfall.

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