Set Language

Howinibs is an multi-lingual application. It allows each user to select preferred language.

Following the below steps to know a User can customize the language in their account.

1. Setting Language in User's Account

Following are the steps to change language in your Howinibs account.

1.1 Go to My Setting

1.2 Select Language

1.3 Save User

On saving User after selecting the language, your Howinibs account will refresh automatically and will be translated to your preferred language.

If you are a System Manager, you will be able to change the language for other users as well.

2. Set Language Globally for an Account

2.1 Go to Setup

> Home > Settings > System Settings

Set Language


Save System Settings, and refresh your Howinibs account. On refreshing, the language would be updated to your preferred language.

> Note: For now, we have translation available only for few languages. You can contribute to make translation better, and add new languages from here.

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