Buying Reports

Data pertaining to purchases made by an organization can be analyzed and visualized through various reports available in the buying modules.

Normally, each report has three sections: Filter toolbar, a chart, and data. Changes in the filters and selections are immediately reflected in the chart.

Purchase Analytics

To access the report, go to:

Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Analytics

Through the Purchase Analytics report, the purchase-related data against the supplier, supplier groups, items and item group can be analyzed over a given period and frequency.

Purchase Order Analysis

To access the report, go to:

Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Order Analysis

This report is helpful in analyzing the items and their billing status in a purchase order over a given period.

Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics

To access the report, go to:

Home > Buying > Key Reports > Sales-Wise Sales Analytics

This report provides extensive data on different items purchased from the suppliers.

Items to Order and Receive

To access the report, go to:

Home > Buying > Key Reports > Items to Order and Receive

This report visualizes and shows data for the purchase requests created.

To access the report, go to:

Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Order Trends

Through this report, the trends for purchase orders for a given financial year can be visualized. The trend can be grouped based on Suppliers, Supplier Group, Item, Item Group, and Project.

Procurement Tracker

To access the report, go to:

Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Order Trends

This report presents extensive purchase-related data including material requests, purchase orders created for the items.

Other Reports

To access, go to:

Home > Buying > Other Reports

In other reports section, the following reports can be accessed:

  1. Items To Be Requested

  2. Item-Wise Purchase History

  3. Purchase Receipt Trends

  4. Purchase Invoice Trends

  5. Subcontracted Item To Be Received

  6. Supplier Quotation

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